Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Twin Dilemma I



The OLD DOCTOR staggers through the open doors, carrying the unconscious PERI. Both are very pale and ill-looking. The Doctor’s coat is spattered with mud, his hands raw with bloody blisters. He is on the point of collapse. Carefully lowering Peri to the floor, he shuffles over to the console, closes the double doors and hits more controls before seeming to pass out. The time rotor begins to rise and fall. Grimacing with pain, the Doctor turns around and moves to Peri. He takes from his pocket a vial of green-tinged milk which is three quarters empty and cradles her head in his lap.

Peri... open your mouth... you must drink this.

He empties all the milk in her mouth and drops the vial. With some effort, he lifts Peri’s head off his knee and lowers it to the floor. She is already starting to revive. A sudden look of dazed panic crosses the Doctor’s face.

Is this... death?

Unable to hold himself upright he falls onto his back staring up at the ceiling. His breathing is ragged, his eyes glazing over. Peri sits up, now wide awake and looking much healthier. She looks around, confused.

Doctor? What's happening?

The Old Doctor blinks, unable to move to look at her. Despite the exhaustion in his voice, his manner is very matter-of-fact.

Ah, Peri. I see Professor Jackij knew his stuff.

Jackij... You got the bat's milk?

Contains an anti-vesicant, I imagine. Very interesting.

Peri is growing proportionally more frantic the weaker the Old Doctor gets.

Where is it?


The bat's milk!

Finished. Only enough for you.

There’s no reproach in the voice and that hurts Peri most of all. She crouches over him, biting back tears. This reminds her far too much of her real father’s death.

No, Doctor. No! There must be something I can do! Tell me!

Too late, Peri. Going soon. Time to say goodbye.

Don't give up... You can't leave me now!

The Old Doctor manages a very distant frown. He’s fading.

I might regenerate... Feels... different... this... time...

Freeze the image of the Old Doctor and cross-fade into the regeneration explosion, cutting out the deathbed flashbacks. To us, a wave of multi-coloured light explodes out of the Old Doctor, clearing to show the NEW DOCTOR, who immediately sits bolt upright. He breathes in deeply, healthy and alive. Peri stares at him, stunned.


You were expecting someone else?

Peri moves closer, still unable to believe what just happened.

I... I – I...

That's three 'I's in one breath. Makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady.

He smiles mildly at the quip. Peri looks hurt.

W-what happened?

Change my dear.

The Doctor looks directly at us, speaking with new resolve.

And, it seems, not a moment too soon!


Dark, neglected passages gloomy because the torches have gone out and not been replaced - windows not closed are bordered up. A long moment establishing how quiet and still it is. Then, noise. A desperate, pleading voice, weak and exhausted but babbling. It is joined by footsteps.

No, please, please, this isn't right, I can explain; it's not worth this surely? Please, you can't want this to happen, please, I beg you...

A procession strides down a passage into view, barely visible. Lead by the CHAMBERLAIN, followed by two GUARDS. They are half-escorting, half-dragging a terrified PRISONER who keeps the babbling up. The group moves quickly down the passage, through a junction, further and further. No one else about.

You have families, you must understand - if it was just me, I would never have done it, you must believe me. My wife is dying, my children can barely move, I haven't eaten in days... I couldn't take it any more... I just... I just...


A large, broad chamber, now dark, dusty and claustrophobic. The place looks like a massive party occured and left the place a wreck, several years ago. We see a small court of JACONDANS are standing around the place, staring blankly ahead as if zombies, faces turned towards a once-grand throne sitting on a dias. Careful camera shots so we do not see what lies in the throne.

The Jacondans are humanoids, descended from birds rather than apes. Their skin is a dark, metallic colour and have black and silver feathers in place of hair and beards. They wear simple clothes that have seen better days, now torn and scuffed and untended. Both male and female, the Jacondans are weak and thin.

We see AZMAEL for the first time. A man in his thirties, good-looking, bearded and charming - but he looks exhausted and tired, his posture reflects this. He has bags under his eyes and wears a tatty, once-grand cloak. He looks around him, seeing this all again and still partially unable to believe it.

It's so quiet we can hear the PRISONER'S gasping cries for mercy moments before the group enter through the doorway. Leading it is the CHAMBERLAIN, dressed in a fine black robe with long black-and-gold feathers, a fawning coward with enough cunning to have got where she is today via a respectably total lack of loyalty. The GUARDS carry handguns, but otherwise are normal Jacondans, and have the same glassy-look to their eyes.

The group head for the throne, the Prisoner gone from plea-bargain to indignation. How dare they treat him like this? He's rapidly fuelling with righteous fury.

You can't do this to me! This world is finished, and I'm not going to let...

The words die on his lips. He's seen what's on the chair. It stares at him.

...sire... please...

The guards throw him to the floor. The Prisoner's lost his strength, horrified by what he looks at. The Chamberlain stands over him, bored with this yet finding it amusing in a kind of sadistic way.

The Prisoner is brought forth for judgement, sire.

The leader speaks. A moist, sneering voice, but ethereal. It could be inside our heads yet outside the being that speaks it. It speaks in a grave, almost conspiratorial whisper with the faint cheer that being the obvious winner can bring when dealing with defeated enemies.

What is this creature's crime?

He is a worker at the agronomy plant. When undergoing routine search at the end of shift, he was found -

With a flourish, the Chamberlain raises a small woven bag. Azmael rolls his eyes at this obviously bad ham-acting. It's thrown into contrast when up against the zomies on all sides, not even listening.

- with THIS on his person!

And what does it contain?

Vegetables from the Royal Larder, sire.

The Chamberlain overturns the bag in a dramatic gesture. Nothing falls out. With a gremace, she shakes the bag and a few wilted, barely-edible looking alien roots vegetables fall onto the floor. Despite the fear, the Prisoner looks at them with naked hunger.

You are charged with stealing food from the Masters of Jaconda. How do you plead?

The Prisoner looks up. The ruler sounds so reasonable, he can talk his way out of this... if he can stop his stomach rumbling...

Sire, my family are starving. I give them all the food I can but the medics say my child will be dead in days if not for more food...

You admit you commited that crime?

The Prisoner bites back a wail, trying not to despair.

Yes, I did, but I had to. My family are everything.

You know the penalty for what you have done. You chose this fate. Blame no one else for your suffering.

The guards and Chamberlain know this well. They take a few steps backward, leaving the Prisoner alone before the unseen evil. Azmael watches on. This is too much. He steps forward

This is hardly necessary. Many are starving. We deprive ourselves of a fit worker. Let him live... sire.

He chokes on the last word, biting back revulsion for the greater good.

Please, sire, the quality of mercy...

He is guilty. He has no defense. Punishment, however... has yet to be decided.

The Prisoner's jaw drops in sudden hope. Can he get out of this? Azmael's face falls. He looks at the Prisoner, knowing what the ruler asks.

I will not do, sire. You cannot convince me otherwise.

You are condemning your adopted people to death. It is your actions, not mine. But you can still save Jaconda. Its people. This creature.

Azmael stares at the Prisoner.

I can't.

Master Azmael, please, you must...

I can't! I will not take the risk. If I do, you and your family may live another day, but the cost is too high.

You can't know that! I'm begging you, please, I don't want to... to...

A spasm runs through the prisoner. He convulses once, twice, and falls still. He rises to his feet without a sound. His eyes are glassy, like the others. Azmael closes his eyes. He was hoping not to go through this.

Do it, Azmael. Or prove yourself a worse tyrant than you believe me to be. It is your choice. Only you can change things.

A guard steps forward, holding out a gun on an outstretched hand. The Prisoner takes it without looking. The guard steps back. No words exchanged, no expression. Azmael looks horrified.

I love this planet, I love your people... Out of a million worlds and times I chose this above all else. But you're asking me to betray every one of those worlds out there, and maybe this one too. I can't do it, I swore on oath...

You're defending your actions to yourself. I don't care what you feel or how you rationalize your betrayal. You can end this. Choose now. All or nothing.

The Prisoner, without looking, primes the gun and aims it at his temple in a calm businesslike manner. All the time, Azmael is getting more and more frantic. He turns to face the throne.

And if I refuse to choose, what then? How many are you prepared to kill? Until Jaconda has no lives left to use against me - how do you know I might call your bluff! Kill another of my subjects and I will never cooperate with you. EVER!

Then you will not care if I kill all in this throne room?

The Prisoner lowers his weapon and turns to aim against the crowd, who stand there calmly. Bar the Chamberlain, who looks worried.

Sire, might I -

It is Azmael's choice. Either they all die or this thief dies. Or you surrender to me. You alone have free will, Azmael. Take the responsibility.

Suddenly, everyone in the room bar Azmael speaks. Even the Chamberlain, who looks startled at the voice emerging from her mouth.


Azmael looks around, torn... and then he sighs. Beaten. His shoulders slump.

I'll do it. I'll help you...

Very well.

The glassy look leaves the Prisoner and he sags, dazed. He has heard every word, understood every action and turns to Azmael, pathetically grateful.

Master Azmael, I want...

Another spasm. He can't speak.

You risked your life to feed your family. You wish them more food?

The Prisoner finds himself able to nod.

They shall have it.

The Prisoner starts to smile - and then the look turns to total horror because his arm has come to life and aimed the gun straight at his head. Azmael takes a step forward and the gun goes off.


But it's too late. The Prisoner lies dead at his feet. The guard calmly takes the gun and he and his fellow begin to drag the body away.

Let his family have his body. Their wish for more food is granted.

Azmael's shaking with rage and sick with horror at what he's just seen. He turns to face the throne but the occupant speaks before he can.

The preparations are already being made, Azmael. Do not waste time. You have made your choice just as he has made his.

Azmael looks up at the throne with pure hate. But he turns and leaves. We focus on one Jacondan, a stocky, slimy odious character who never speaks in anything above a whisper. This is NOMA. The glassy look leaves his eye and he smiles cruelly. He steps in front of Azmael as he heads for the door.

This way, "Master" Azmael. Your vessel is waiting.

Azmael looks at him with equal disgust. Azmael, Noma and several other Jacondans head out of the throne room. The thing on the throne gives a small chuckle.


Back where we left off. The New Doctor has got to his feet. His old clothes don't quite fit him and are tattered and muddy, worse they have torn in several places because the Doctor has grown larger. He is walking around the console, looking down at his body. His movements are stiff at first, and resemble the body language of the old Doctor. This rapidly fades throughout the scene. Watching this is Peri, still staring at him in surprise and casting the occasional look at the floor where there are still spots of mud, blood and the empty vial.


He pauses for a brief moment, trying to remember her name.

...Peri... How do I look?

Peri stares at him, not sure how to react.

I know the clothes aren't in the best condition. But they're easily changed. Still, what do you think about me? The real me?

Peri swallows.


Yes! The Doctor! Definitely! I am the Doctor! The new Doctor, so what do you think?

Peri doesn't reply, still staring at him. The Doctor frowns slightly, wondering if she's all right in the head.

What happened? The Doctor he... he just...

The Doctor nods, slightly impatiently. He realizes what's wrong.

Yes, you've not been with me for long. Probably the first time you've seen this happen. Don't worry, my dear, you're not going mad.

Aren't I?!

The Doctor's smile wilts slightly. She sounds borderline hysterical.

What happened? I was... I was in the camp, and, and then Jek was whispering to me that he'd got the army beat and... It's just a blur.

You're just slightly stressed, Peri. Stay calm.

'Slightly stressed'? You, you can change like that and you didn't tell me! You let me think you were dying when you knew you could do that all the time.

She's getting really angry now. The Doctor's not very amused either.

I "knew" as you put it no such thing. In fact, it's borderline miraculous it happened at all, let alone worked.

Peri sounds incredulous.

Worked?! Look at you! What's this 'regenerate' thing, anyway?!

The Doctor shrugs. It's not really something he's particularly interested in at the moment, and indeed not something he'd happily discuss.

Part of my life cycle, as much as a landbound grub can transform itself into a flying insect. Regeneration is a kind of massive and violent biological eruption - the cells of the body are displaced, changed, renewed and rearranged. A rebirth, a renewal. In short, a way of cheating death. But I honestly had no idea it would happen, just a sort of hope.

His expression becomes slightly distant, remembering.

It let me through... Even though it should have ended.

Peri's remembering too.

You still saved me. Even though you didn't know it would work.

The Doctor looks at her like she's stupid.

Of course. I couldn't let you die. In fact, getting the bat's milk was relatively easy. All hell broke loose on Androzani as we left. I doubt there's anyone still alive on the planet. Pity. Now the Spectrox is gone, the whole society might collapse, all those people finding old age coming back with a vengeance.

Peri opens her mouth to say something. The Doctor's still talking, almost involuntarily, like he can't stop.

And that's what keeps life going. The knowledge it's all going to end, makes us live every day as if it were our last. But the end never seems to come. No matter what. I almost wanted the end to come this time, almost welcomed it, seeing all the dead and gone pop back to visit... But I didn't stay, did I? I came back here. And for what? For what?

He's sounding groggy, almost distressed.

Doctor? Doctor?

He blinks and tears his gaze from nowhere. He's slightly tetchy.

Yes? What is it?

She's taken aback. Forgotten what she was going to say. She shrugs and looks at the floor.

Thanks. For saving me, I mean. I... I'm sorry I got you into this.

Got me into this?

I didn't look where I was going. I tripped into that Spectrox nest, I broke the dial on the console, which is why you wanted to go there in the first place...

Peri. I'd do it again, right now, if I had to. Now, let's just...

He shakes his head to clear it. It doesn't work.

I need to get out of these clothes. The smell of dried blood, mud and gunpowder. Not the nicest of smells to be born into.

The Doctor strides for the internal door. He doesn't give Peri a glance. She looks at the vial, picks it up and looks at it wonderingly. She'd be dead if it weren't for that vial. She glances at the red welts on her legs.


She closes her eyes and bunches her fists. No tears. She won't let herself cry. After a moment, she's composed. She heads off after the Doctor.


The Doctor stands before a door, staring at it. He pushes open the door and looks beyond. Unimpressed he closes it again and heads off for another door. Peri wanders into view.

So, what happened after we split up?

My memory's not one hundred percent accurate at the moment, Peri. It's all a blur. Turns out Jek's arm supplier was Morgus himself. The entire war masterminded into a business venture. The politics of power...

He's starting to zone out again. Peri asks quickly.

What happened to him?

I don't know. But if he was anywhere on the surface when the mud burst, he's dead now. Jek must have been - he didn't even try to stop me getting you out of there. No, I don't think I want to visit the Sirius system again any time soon.

Poor Jek.

Yes. Still, it wasn't much of a life to lose.

That's a bit harsh.

What isn't, Peri?! What isn't?!

Suddenly thoroughly annoyed, he opens the next door and storms through.

to be continued...

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